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New grad mastery

Dental Graduate Success:
Navigating Private Practice with Mastery

Introducing the ‘New Grad Mastery Course‘ – your gateway to excelling in your dental career. This program is specifically tailored for newly graduated dental practitioners – dentists, oral health therapists and hygienists – who are eager to start their careers with a foundation of knowledge on the non-clinical aspects of a dental practice. Fast-track your success with this powerful program, preparing yourself with crucial insights, strategies and guidance.

Completing this course will help you with:

Team Integration and Leadership: Develop the ability to effectively engage with and lead your support staff, fostering a positive team dynamic that enhances the overall efficiency and atmosphere of the practice.

Operational Excellence: Acquire key insights into the workings of a dental practice, from managing schedules to understanding the financial aspects, ensuring a smooth and successful operation that benefits both staff and patients.

Patient Relationship Management: Learn strategies for building strong relationships with patients, enhancing their experience and loyalty, which is essential for maintaining a thriving practice.

Professional Adaptability: Equip yourself with the tools to adapt quickly to the varied demands of private practice, making you a versatile and capable professional ready to tackle the challenges of the dental sector.

what you will learn

  • Understanding the dental practice environment
  • Roles and responsibilities of auxiliary staff members in the dental practice
  • Effective patient management strategies
  • Enhancing patient communications
  • Engaging patients effectively
  • Insights into patient decision-making processes regarding treatment
  • Patient-centric management
  • Rapport building and active listening skills
  • Delivering bad news with sensitivity
  • Managing patients with anxiety and fear
  • Exceptional customer service practices
  • Creating a perception of quality in your service
  • Handling difficult patient scenarios
  • Working effectively within your dental team
  • Resolving team conflicts constructively
  • Building professional relationships within and beyond the practice
  • Continuing professional development and behaviours of a professional healthcare provider
  • Career advancement strategies and networking
  • Engaging with professional associations for growth
  • Developing work-life balance as a healthcare provider
  • Building you as a small business within the dental practice you work in
  • Understanding dental practice finances and business considerations
  • Approaches to discounting services
  • Achieving efficiency and productivity and maintaining a low-stress environment
  • Appointment booking and management systems
  • Fostering strong professional relationships with dental labs for superior patient outcomes

Course Details

User-Friendly Student Dashboard

Our course includes access to a student dashboard, which simplifies navigation and provides a clear view of your course progression. This  tool aids in managing your learning experience efficiently, ensuring that you can focus on what matters most – your development.

Lifetime Curriculum Access

Once you enrol, gain lifetime access to our comprehensive curriculum. This means you can return to the course materials at any point in your professional journey, ensuring that you have continual support and resources as your career progresses.

Personalised Direct Support

Benefit from direct support provided by our experts, Julie and Ameena. This exclusive guidance is available through Zoom sessions, as well as via email and telephone, ensuring you have the assistance you need, whenever you need it.

Embark on a structured learning journey with our dynamic curriculum dashboard. With lifetime access to all course content, you can revisit and refresh your knowledge whenever you need to, ensuring continuous professional growth.

Are You Ready To Start?

Ready to embark on a journey to dental mastery?

Enrol now to take the first step towards a successful and fulfilling career.

$495 AUD + GST.