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Welcome to Dental Business Mastery's Benchmark Calculator


Navigating the financial intricacies of a dental practice can be overwhelming, but with the right insights and benchmarks, you can make more informed decisions and optimise your operations.

How Does It Work?
Our specialised calculator provides a customised assessment of what your dental practice turnover should be and how much you should be allocating to specific areas of your dental practice.

Benchmarked Areas Include:

  • Supplies: Ensure you’re investing in the best without overspending.
  • Laboratory: Understand your ideal expenditure in lab costs.
  • Wages: Get a clearer view on staff compensation and benefits.
  • Facility: Determine the optimum spending for your infrastructure and utilities.
  • Marketing: Identify if you’re allocating enough to attract new patients and retain current ones.
  • Minor Operating Expenses: Gauge your spend on miscellaneous yet essential operations.
  • Profit Margin: Discover your potential profit given your turnover and expenses.

Unlock the potential of your dental practice by ensuring you’re not just running it, but mastering it with industry-standard benchmarks. Dive in now to see how your figures match up!

While our benchmark calculator provides invaluable insights, the journey to dental business excellence doesn’t end there. If your figures reveal areas of concern or if you’re determined to elevate your practice’s performance even further, we’re here to help. 

Don’t hesitate to contact us; together, we can strategise and implement the necessary adjustments to ensure your dental practice not only meets but exceeds industry standards.